
The Session Zero System

Created by The team at Mythic Grove!

What parts of this world do you call home? Who are the people you come from and call family? What figures have you met along the way that have made the biggest impact on your life so far...was it for good or ill? What events, great or small, have led you to take the path you now find your feet walking on? The Session Zero System is a storytelling game focused on helping adventures build their backstories to be as lively and vibrant as the characters they make them for.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

A public statement on behalf of Mythic Grove Productions, LLC and Elise Rezendes
4 months ago – Sat, Mar 30, 2024 at 03:59:09 PM

Effectively immediately, Gabe Hicks has been removed as an owner of Mythic Grove. He is no longer involved in the company, nor with The Session Zero System in any way. The company and the game are now 100% owned by the original co-founder, Elise Rezendes. 

We have heard community concern about supporting The Session Zero System, given that Gabe was prominently connected to the project. We want to assure everyone of the following:

1.     Over the last two years, there have been roughly 70,000 words published during the creation of the Session Zero System. Elise wrote 65,000 of them. 

2.    On top of game design,  writing, and art direction, Elise spent over 2,500 hours molding the game into the form you see today, including all graphical work to layout the game, 6 months coordinating with manufacturing partners to get the game to print, managing fulfillment and shipping, running and maintaining the Kickstarter page, and planning, designing, organizing, and fabricating the ‘23 PAX Unplugged booth.

3.    From today, Gabe Hicks will receive no compensation from Mythic Grove or Elise’s work.

Now that ownership has been solidified,  the first order of business is to finalize and get any outstanding kickstarter fulfillments shipped for our incredible backers. Additionally, we will be working towards removing posts, assets, and other references to and by him over the next few weeks. Please bear with us as we close this chapter and move forward with our story. 

We recognize that Gabe’s acts have untold effects on our friends and supporters, and that there will be additional consequences of his actions that we can’t foresee right now. We support the victims, both those who have come forward and those who have not.

Elise Rezendes


Logistics, logistics, and more Logistics!
4 months ago – Sun, Mar 17, 2024 at 04:40:51 PM

Its been a log time coming but we are closing in on 90% fulfillment for backers!!

We are still working through Pre-orders and some folks with incomplete survey/ addresses and we appreciate everyone being so patient with us! Our partners at Atlas Games are truly doing wonders making this part of the process as smooth as possible for we two game designers. 

We are working hard to ensure everyone who supported this campaign gets their games by end of April!!

So whats next??

A bad cardboard box mockup of the Session Zero System, cheap printed text prints, old manuscripts and the final product all lined up!!

Next we keep plugging away at shipping and fulfillment logistics. 

After that we get to look to the future! We're talking to a lot of friendly neighborhood gamestores and retail locations to get this game on shelves! Theres a lot that can be done and we're excited to explore all of it!

But more to come on that soon. 

Thank you for sticking with us as we near the end of this chapter and look ahead to the next with glee. 

The Team at Mythic Grove

Locking Orders | Fulfillment start Monday!
8 months ago – Thu, Dec 14, 2023 at 10:17:37 AM

A quick but exciting update for backers: The Session Zero System is off our train and headed to Atlas Games where pick and packing for Fulfillment will start Monday!

Ocean freight time and Customs have both put us behind where we were hoping to be for the Holiday rush so we will keep you posted on what that means for final delivery to backers by region. 


We're chasing some backers who have not completed their survey and will be locking backers' ability to update their pledges at 10 am EST on Friday 12/15. Please make sure we have your correct shipping addresses before then!

More to come very shortly. Till then and as always thank you, 

The Team at Mythic Grove

The Ship has Landed and we are finally out of Customs!
8 months ago – Thu, Dec 07, 2023 at 06:49:26 AM

It's the Big one folks! The big update: Our container has landed and is through customs!

 What does that mean now? From here our games will get on a train and head over to our Friends at Atlas Games where they are ready to start packing people's orders and getting them to your door!

As always... Customs took longer than we would have liked. We are working across the board to still get these games out before the end of December and will let you know how that shakes out as trains, trucks, and automobiles continue the last leg of this journey. 

Its just a line!

In other news! We had a great PAX Unplugged this year demoing the Session Zero System. There was some incredible symmetry having been kickstarting it during the last PAX and having advanced copy games in hand for this one.

Themed demo tables at the Mythic Grove booth: An 80s basement with funky movie posters on the wall and a Tavern set where folks could play through the Session Zero System game!

WE MET SO MANY KS BACKERS! Tons of you brought over friends or your fellow TTRPG players and got to see the final printed deck or the art book in its final form and truly we can't wait to get it to your table. For everyone who stopped by to say hi: thank you and it meant the world to us!

We are so so close to the end of this journey and the beginning of the next - we will keep you updated weekly from here on out as fulfillment moves into its final stages and we organize for the big shipping push.  

Thank you as always for being in our incredible backer community for this game. We can't wait to do a retrospective once this part of fulfillment is complete and take a deep dive into all of the ways our early Beta and all your playtesting feedback made this game the absolute best it could be.  We have so much more we want to do, especially for all of you who were our first supporters so stay tuned and we'll be sharing more before you know it.  


The Team at Mythic Grove

Printing, and, Packing, Shipping, oh my! Part 2!
9 months ago – Tue, Oct 31, 2023 at 04:57:34 PM

Happy spooky season Backers!  

We’ve been hard at work battling the dragon of logistics and quality control over here at Mythic Grove but we are thrilled to share some final sample photos with you all to start this update off right. Look at how shiny! You can see some major quality changes from this last version and we hope it makes your gameplay at the table so much more enjoyable.

The card tray inside the fragment deck of the Session Zero System with updated card backs and card colors
Just a line

Now on to the nitty gritty details...

BACKERKIT SURVEYS ARE LIVE: Each of you should have gotten a unique link to your Backerkit survey where you can confirm or update your addresses, see your orders, and take a look at our add-on marketplace! 

We are getting shipping costs quoted now and for those of you outside Wave 1, those prices will be sent as soon as we have them. Wave 1 you already know you are all set and are at the top of the list for shipping! We have a great team at Backerkit so if you have any questions feel free to follow up with their support team or with us and we will make sure you are taken care of! 

TIMELINE UPDATE:  We were very upfront about the 3 months+ buffer time built into our delivery schedule because, above all, we knew we could not plan for everything!  Turns out: we were absolutely correct. But that's why it was there and we used it every single day to make the game better! 

THE BUMPS IN THE ROAD SO FAR: We lost about two months due to incompatible file formats-  our Art Book and the Fragment Deck rules booklet were too smart apparently! We learned a lot and pushed through to make sure our print quality was able to be exported correctly and that file sizes were right on the money so the game did not suffer in print quality! We think we nailed it. Shortly after that, we realized our Fulfillment partners were not the ones for us- as often happens with smaller shipments we were being deprioritized for larger orders so we cut ties. It took some time but we’re so pleased to announce the incredible folks over at Atlas Games ( have come to the rescue! You may know them for handling fulfillment for many games over at Evil Hat Productions ( (who make your favorites like Thirsty Sword Lesbians & For the Queen!) Lastly, sometimes you just can’t know that something is missing until you see it. When we got print samples we knew there were a few quality issues we wanted to tackle to make sure our games felt good in your hands! We changed the color of the interior card tray, glued it down, and made it deeper so the Fragment Deck Box would beautifully hold your cards and none of them could escape on the go. We made the Art Book cover thicker so it could put up with more wear and tear and we changed the overall size (no small feat!) so that it was the same size as the Fragment Deck box! That is an incredibly short summary of all we did in the Quality Control phase but the ones you will hopefully appreciate the most! Time well spent! 

STATE OF PLAY:  So what does all that mean? Currently, all the games are finished printing, have been organized for shipping, and will land on the East Coast by Ocean Freight sometime around November 20th. It will then travel to our friends at Atlas Games where they will Pick, Pack and Ship! They have graciously put us in their schedule in a flexible way so that as soon as our pallets arrive they will start Picking and Packing orders right away. This will mean games will be out for delivery around December! This means as of right now games are expected to arrive to Bakcers before Christmas!

Just a line


  • We weathered some storms that used our buffer time as we expected we would. 
  • Quality checks caught some things and we used our time to update them! 
  • Printing is done and shipping will be underway shortly after. We expect games to be in Fulfillment and going out in December if all goes well with ocean freight!
  • We will be keeping you posted over the next 30 days as freight progress continues!!

As always, Mythic Grove is Gabe Hicks and me, Elise Rezendes. Two devs working hard to make the game we believe in so deeply. But Mythic Grove is also all of you and it’s been our commitment to deliver these games with all the care and quality we can muster.  We are getting so so close to doing both of those things! 

Thanks for being a huge part of what has made this possible as always Backers!  

The Team at Mythic Grove!